Thursday, December 01, 2005

Understand that I DO love dogs... Yours especially!

Let's get this straight... I do love dogs and I don't want to start a "Dog vs. Cat" fight. I love dogs. Honest, I really do!

I've thought about getting a dog some day. Here are my thoughts on the subject;
If I were to get a dog, I would like to have a relatively big one (little dogs... Even though the are cute, are just to little and "yappy"). A Golden Lab size or bigger is what I'd get... I've always been partial to Rhodesian Ridgebacks. A dog bred to fight lions... Now that's a Dog's dog. I've also thought I'd like a Border Collie because they really are the most intelligent pooch there is... Poodle's are also on the top on my list, (and at the top of the "smarts" list also), but they have a more "poodily" look than does the classic Border Collie. A Standard Collie... A German Sheppard... I'd actually love to have any of the big dogs I've mentioned, but big dog's need more space to run than I have available. Big dogs also eat big and "deposit" big... I'm just not up to the task.

So I guess a big dog is out. Lets now consider a little dog.

As I've mentioned, little dogs are cute. How can anyone not like a little Pom... or Papillon. The Yorkshire and Silky Terrier! The Toy Poodle! They all look like great pets... but for me they are all... well... just too small (oops! I flopped onto the couch and crushed Poochy!). And then there is that "yappy" issue also. I thought about a Basenji (the barkless dog), but then there's that "small" issue again.

Oh what a pickle... Quandary... Predicament!

AH HA! Tell you what... You get the dog's. I'll visit, and love them to death when I see them.

For now, I'll stick with my cat.


Anonymous said...

Well, when are you going to come visit my dogs???? I have lots, so there's lots to love!

Unka-Tim and Jaime said...

Hi Kell,
I hope we can come visit the dogs in the spring/summer some time. It would be nice to visit you and Todd then also. I'd like to bring along some fishing tackle to show the dogs. Do they fish?

Looking forward to seeing you at Christmas (and tell the doggies we're looking forward to seeing them in the spring/summer)?

Hugs and kisses (and slobbry licks to the dogs)!

Unka-Tim and Jaime said...

me, erin!,
What's a saddle for one of them hounds cost anyway?

Isn't that an "IN the house" rule only???

Unka-Tim and Jaime said...

Aunt Laurie reads this blog regularly and takes offense at being called "old Aunt Laure" (she knows she's not the brightest bulb on the tree... I'm the brightest bulb... well kinda bright... illuminated at least... ok if I'm being honest, I'm only dim compaired to most of you including Aunt Laurie...).

But let's be accurate in our comments please... Aunt Laurie is NOT old... she's just the "oldest".